Loan Rates

Risk-Based Loan Rates

Unsecured Loan Prices
Fair Isaac Scores Rate Unsecured Loan Rates
730 + A+ 8.95%
680-729 A 9.95%
640-679 B 11.95%
600-639 C 13.95%
550-599 D 17.95%
549 or less E 17.95%
Vehicle Loan Pricing
Fair Isaac Rate 24-48 Mo 60 Mo 72 Mo 84 Mo
730+ A+ 5.00% 5.25% 5.50% 5.75%
680-729 A 5.25% 5.75% 6.00% 6.25%
640-679 B 6.00% 6.25% 6.50%  
600-639 C 6.50% 6.75% 7.00%  
550-599 D 9.00% 9.25%    
549 or Less E 13.00% 13.25%    
Home Equity Loan Pricing**
Fair Isaac Scores Rate 80% 90% 100%
730+ A+ Prime (-) .5% (+) .5% (+) 1.5%
680-729 A Prime (+) 1% (+) 2%
640-679 B Prime (+) 1% (+) 2% (+) 3%
600-639 C Prime (+) 2% (+) 3%  
550-599 D Prime (+) 3% (+) 4%  
549< E Prime (+) 4%    

** Credit Union pays for $600.00 of closing cost Loans up to $200,000.00 Loan to Value up to 80%
** The Credit Union rates are subject to our floor for Home Equity loans of 3.95% Lifetime ceiling of 6%
** Member Pays Closing Cost Back if Loan is paid off within  1 year.00

Fixed Rate Home Equity Pricing
Fair Isaac Rate 0-60 Mo 61 - 120 Mo 121-180 Mo
730+ A+ 5.75% 6.25% 6.50%
680-729 A 6.00% 6.50% 7.00%
640-679 B 6.75% 7.00% 7.25%
600-639 C 7.25% 7.50%


550-599 D 9.25%


549 or Less E 13.25% 13.25% 13.25%

** Credit Union pays for $600.00 of closing cost.
** Loans up to $200,000.00 LTV 80%
** Member Pays Closing Cost Back if Loan is paid off within  1 year

Visa Loans
Fair Isaac Scores Rate Visa Loan Rates
730+ A+ 8.95%
680-729 A 9.95%
640-679 B 11.90%
600-639 C 13.95%
550-or Less D & E 17.95%

